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What are the benefits of owning a racehorse?It's never been easier - or more affordable - to get involved with racehorse ownership. From the anticipation of seeing your horse in training through the discussion of his progress to the day you see him on the track for the first time - and that's before he's even won a race! Prize money The most obvious benefit, prize money in Britain was worth over £100m in 2006. Prize money can extend down to the first six horses home in some races, and the winning owners often receive trophies to commemorate their horses' victories. Appearance money In some races, your horse may be eligible for appearance money, which was worth over £2.5m in 2006. Sponsorship and the VAT scheme You can seek sponsorship for your horse, and receive a financial reward for the placement of your sponsor's logo in various places such as paddock sheets and racecards. If you do secure sponsorship for your horse, you can also reclaim VAT on his racing expenses. These include training fees, the capital cost of the horse, vets' and farriers' fees, and more. Raceday benefits When your horse runs you'll receive entry badges to the racecourse, which entitle you to access exclusive facilities such as the owners' bar and viewing areas and permission to enter the paddock before your horses' race - and the winner's enclosure if he wins! Naming your horse If your horse is unnamed, as most unraced yearlings and two-year-olds are, you may choose his name. The name must be no longer than 18 characters (including spaces) and cannot have been used before. Some owners like to use the names of their horse's parents in the name they choose, but many just select a name that is meaningful to them! Choosing your colours As an owner you are entitled to select and design the unique silks your horse will carry. Many owners choose colours that are special to them - such as their football team's colours - while others select silks that will be easily visible at the racetrack. As with names, colours must not have been used before.
Can you explain the different type of ownership options?Sole ownership Owning a whole horse – is the simplest way of getting involved with racing. As the sole owner, you're responsible for all the expenses associated with owning a horse – but you also receive all the benefits, from selecting your horse and choosing his name to designing your own racing colours. When your horse runs, you'll go racing with complimentary badges for you and your guests. If your horse wins, you'll meet him in the winner's enclosure and receive the trophy and prize money for his efforts. If your horse is sold, you'll receive the profit from his sale, tax free. Racing partnership In a racing partnership, up to 20 partners jointly own the horse – reducing the cost per head to a very affordable level. At least two members of the partnership must provide their details to the Jockey Club, and one of these partners will deal with the partnership's financial matters. These nominated members also act as co-ordinators for the partnership. Partnerships are entitled to choose their horse's name and the partnership colours, and complimentary raceday badges are also available when the horse runs. The partnership can also name itself – based on the names of the partners if there are fewer than four, or with another name. Prize money is shared between the partners, and as with sole ownership, any profit from the sale of the horse is tax free. Racing clubs Racing clubs or syndicates offer a range of lower-cost options for you to get involved with racing. The exact terms vary from club to club. We work in partnership with Lingfield Park Racecourse to offer affordabe, fun ownership through the Lingfield Park Owners Group. In 2016 their horse Vale of Iron won on only his second outing for LPOG on their home track. The current horse is Mossketeer more information can be found in Horses For Sale. Company Ownership With company ownership, the company's shareholders own the horse. All the expenses associated with the horse's training and racing are paid out of the company's pre-tax income. The horse can even be named after the company if the name hasn't been used before! However, if the horse is successful, the profit from his sale is subject to tax.
Do you have horses for sale or can I bring a horse to you to train?There are a number of horses available to purchase as a whole or as a percentage. These are advertised on our Horses For Sale page. Every year Karen will travel to a number of sales to purchase horses for owners. If you would like to book a sales trip with her please call or email the office to make arrangements. Yearling sales take place from August each year and a full list of potential sales can be sent to you. Alternatively if you have a horse that you would like to place in training, we offer competitive training packages and first class facilities.
What happens to your racehorses if they can no longer race?When a racehorse is no longer able to continue to race, either through not being good enough or through injury, every effort is made to find the horse a suitable home outside of racing. Many of the horses have gone on to excel in other equestrian fields like eventing, dressage, show-jumping and showing. New owners are encouraged to keep in touch so that their progress can be followed and enjoyed.

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